Your Insider Guide to the GMAT

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Go to Law School

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Okay, don't actually go to law school but prepare as though you were. By this we mean considering using LSAT practice material when you're preparing for the GMAT. Two of the sections on the LSAT (Logical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension) are almost identical to two of the types of questions you'll see on the GMAT (Critical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension, respectively). One of the big differences is that the LSAT questions tend to be more difficult.

Baseball players often warm-up in the on-deck circle with a weighted "donut" on the end of their bat. Why do they do this? Well, they get used to performing a more difficult action (swinging a heavier bat), so performing a relatively easier action (swinging the lighter bat) seems much more manageable. For the same reason, you'll want to exposure yourself to the most difficult problems you can find so that the exam itself will seem easier.

We wouldn't recommend that everyone uses LSAT material. However, if you're looking for everything that might give you that little extra edge, you might want to look into this. LSAT material is available from the Law School Admission Council (LSAC). Visit their website at for more information or to order practice material on-line.

One last thing: Unless you want to drive yourself totally nuts, don't attempt the Logic Games sections. In and of themselves, they provide a tremendous reason for not going to Law School.

Click here for another GMAT tip! 

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