Your Insider Guide to the GMAT

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The Hundred-Hour Game Plan

All contents ©2025. GMAT is a registered trademark of the Graduate Management Admission Council, which is unaffiliated with and does not endorse this website.

The Hundred-Hour Game Plan is designed for those people who are very serious about getting into a good business school. If you realize the importance of a high score and are willing to make the sacrifices necessary to get it, you've come to the right place. Allow at least a month to complete the Hundred-Hour Game Plan as very few people can study more than 25 hours a week.

If you are willing to commit to the 100 hour plan, you may want to ask yourself whether you are also willing to commit some time and money to taking a GMAT prep course. Before you proceed, read "Should You Take a Prep Class?" for more information about the pros and cons of GMAT classes. Taking a prep course is optional, but it can have a fundamental impact on how you proceed with your GMAT Game Plan.

Make sure to read our Pre-Game Talk before starting the Game Plan. These suggestions are critical in order to get the most out of the plan you have chosen. Good luck with your studies and with your test!

Study Resources for the Hundred-Hour Game Plan:


  • Kaplan GMAT 2007 Premier Program (Book & CD-Rom)
  • Manhattan Review Turbocharge Your GMAT books
  • The Official Guide to the GMAT (11th ed.)
  • The Official Guide for GMAT Verbal Review
  • The Official Guide for GMAT Quantitative Review 
  • The GMATPrep Practice Test

The Hundred-Hour Game Plan:


  1. Read the "general test tips" section in both the Kaplan book and the Manhattan Review books.
  2. Take the first practice test from the GMATPrep Software. Spend at least 2 hours reviewing both the questions you got wrong and the questions you got right.
  3. Read the Quantitative section in both the Kaplan and the Manhattan Review books.
  4. Repeat step #3 for the Verbal section
  5. Repeat step #2 with the 2nd practice test from the GMATPrep Software.
  6. In the Official Guide, do problems #1-#75 in Problem Solving and #1-#51 in Data Sufficiency. Be sure to review the explanations for all questions. Make sure to time yourself on all questions.
  7. In the Official Guide, do problems #1-#42 in Reading Comprehension, #1-#49 in Critical Reasoning, and #1-#43 in Sentence Correction.
  8. Repeat step #2 with the 1st practice test from the Kaplan CD-Rom or the Manhattan Review online CATs.
  9. In the Official Guide, do problems #76-#146 in Problem Solving and #52-#93 in Data Sufficiency.
  10. In the Official Guide, do problems #43-#90 in Reading Comprehension, #50-#89 in Critical Reasoning, and #44-#102 in Sentence Correction.
  11. Repeat step #2 with the 2nd practice test from the Kaplan CD-Rom or the Manhattan Review online CATs.
  12. Selectively go over the problems in Official Guide for GMAT Verbal Review (105 Reading Comprehension questions, 82 Critical Reasoning questions, and 113 Sentence Correction questions) and Official Guide for GMAT Quantitative Review (176 Problem Solving questions and 118 Data Sufficiency questions).
  13. Spend at least five hours reviewing the information on this website. The areas you will want to focus on most are the Math Basics page, the Idiom List, the Special Reports, and the Miscellaneous Tips & Tricks pages.
  14. Ace your GMAT!

Take a look at the Resources you'll need for the Game Plan.

Sentence Correction Secrets


Wouldn't it be great to know the average GMAT score of the business school of your dreams? You've studied hard for the GMAT, but are you fully sure of what ...

How to Choose a Prep Course


Wouldn't it be great to know the average GMAT score of the business school of your dreams? You've studied hard for the GMAT, but are you fully sure of what ...

Getting the Most Out of Your Prep Class


Wouldn't it be great to know the average GMAT score of the business school of your dreams? You've studied hard for the GMAT, but are you fully sure of what ...