Your Insider Guide to the GMAT

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Manhattan Review Turbocharge Your GMAT

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A few things set Manhattan Review’s books apart from Kaplan’s and Princeton Review’s books. First, Manhattan Review incorporates extensive GMAT vocabulary lists into its verbal books and a complete list of GMAT Quantitative Glossary into its math books. These lists serve as the initial springboards before you delve into the heart of preparation. Second, Manhattan Review’s books are very well organized. Its Table of Contents lays out all the top-level topics and sub topics for students’ easy reference. Third, its instruction content and exercises are very useful. They not only focus on techniques, but also provide a very lucid way to explain all the concepts and problem types in each test area. Solutions are very detailed and easy to understand. Questions are also arranged in order by type and difficulty level. Definitely worth checking out the series!

You are also entitled to two free full-length online CAT tests along with the purchase of the books. So take advantage of them. More information including a full Table of Contents can be located at Manhattan Review’s Bookstore.   

Robo-Reader Report


Wouldn't it be great to know the average GMAT score of the business school of your dreams? You've studied hard for the GMAT, but are you fully sure of what ...

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Wouldn't it be great to know the average GMAT score of the business school of your dreams? You've studied hard for the GMAT, but are you fully sure of what ...

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Wouldn't it be great to know the average GMAT score of the business school of your dreams? You've studied hard for the GMAT, but are you fully sure of what ...