Free GMAT Test Questions

Question 1 of 1
Section: Quantitative Reasoning - Data Sufficiency
Topics: Average; Average of Averages
Difficulty level: Challenging

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If in a test, the average score of Class A students was 35, while that of Class B students was 45, is the combined average score of Class A and B students NOT 40?

  1. The number of girls in Class A is greater than that in Class B.
  2. The number of boys in Class B is greater than that in Class A.
AStatement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) ALONE is not sufficient to answer the question asked.
BStatement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) ALONE is not sufficient to answer the question asked.
CBOTH statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question asked, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question asked.
DEACH statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question asked.
EStatements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient to answer the question asked, and additional data specific to the problem are needed.

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