Free GMAT Test Questions

Question 1 of 1
Section: Verbal Reasoning - Critical Reasoning
Topic: Resolve the Paradox
Difficulty level: Challenging

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Throughout the world, lower socioeconomic status is found to be closely associated with worse population health and higher mortality rates. The average household income, education and access to health services of the Latin American immigrants in the United States is much lower than that of the American White population. However, the mortality rate for the elderly population was found to be 25 percent lower among the Latin American immigrants in the United States than the American Whites.

Which of the following, if true, would help resolve the apparent paradox presented above?

AThe mortality rate for the young population was found to be 25 percent higher among the Latin American immigrants in the United States than the American Whites.
BThe health of Latin American immigrants who had recently moved to the United States was found to be better than the health of second and third-generation Latin Americans born and raised in the country.
CThe Latin Americans who migrate into the United States tend to be healthier than both the average population of their home country and the average American White population and so they require less medical attention.
DImmigrants tend to have more physically demanding jobs when they first arrive, but as they move to better jobs, they develop a sedentary lifestyle similar to most White Americans.
EA large number of Latin American immigrants return to their home countries upon growing old and, when they die, their deaths are not registered by the United States official figures.

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