Your Insider Guide to the GMAT

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Tackle the Tough Tests

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For those of you who are looking to score high on the GMAT, you probably will want to practice on as many real GMAT questions as possible. In order to use the strategy of focusing on real questions, you'll have to get a hold of not only the latest but also the older versions of the Official Guide. They're a little bit tougher to find but here a few tips on where to find them:


  • Libraries - You can often find older editions of the Official Guide at libraries. Pick up the phone and call around and see if you can find an 8th or 7th edition of the Guide. Bonus: You won't have to shell out any more cash.
  • Used Book Stores - You might be able to pick up a cheap copy at a used book store in your area. Alternatively, try checking out an on-line auction site such as EBay ( which will have listing for old GMAT material from time to time.
  • Test Prep Center - If you do take a class from a prep center, they'll probably have an old copy or two of the Guide sitting around. Ask to use it while you're there or borrow it and take it how for awhile. Who knows, they might even let you keep it!

One word of caution; don't spend too much time on this tip. All that time spent running around would be better spent simply working straight through the latest edition. Sure, you'll do some easy problems but you'll get a lot of hard problems thrown in as well.

Click here for another GMAT tip! 

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