Your Insider Guide to the GMAT

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The Three Hundred-Hour Game Plan

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Hey, no one ever said life was easy. The things that are worth working towards always have the biggest rewards and getting into a top-notch business school is definitely one of them. This is a very-intense, comprehensive plan that will prepare you extremely well for the test. However, it should not be attempted if you have less than two or three months before the test. Don't get too down on yourself if you can't get through all of it. Very few people do and you will be amazed at how much you learn by simply trying to get through all of it.

Motivation is the key to success with this Game Plan. Before you start, ask yourself whether you are prepared to study alone, or whether you are interested in seeking some professional assistance. Prep courses can be valuable resources of test taking and study techniques and tips. Read "Should You Take a Prep Class?" for more information about the pros and cons of GMAT classes. Taking a prep course is optional, but it can have a fundamental impact on your GMAT Game Plan.

Make sure to read our Pre-Game Talk before starting the Game Plan. These suggestions are critical in order to get the most out of the plan you have chosen. Good luck with your studies and with your test!

Study Resources for the Three Hundred-Hour Game Plan:


  • Kaplan GMAT 2007 Premier Program (Book & CD-Rom)
  • Manhattan Review Turbocharge Your GMAT books
  • Princeton Review's Cracking the GMAT CAT
  • The Official Guide to the GMAT (11th ed.)
  • The Official Guide for GMAT Verbal Review
  • The Official Guide for GMAT Quantitative Review
  • The GMATPrep Practice Test
  • Arco Essay Book
  • LSAT Preparation Material (optional)

The Three Hundred-Hour Game Plan:


  1. Read the "general test tips" section in all of the Kaplan book, the Manhattan Review books and the Princeton Review.
  2. Take the first practice test from the GMATPrep. Spend at least 2 hours reviewing both the questions you got wrong and the questions you got right.
  3. Read the Quantitative section in all of the Kaplan, the Manhattan Review, and the Princeton Review books.
  4. In the Official Guide, do problems #1-#75 in Problem Solving and #1-#51 in Data Sufficiency. Be sure to review the explanations for all questions. Make sure to time yourself on all questions.
  5. Repeat step #2 with the 2nd practice test from the GMATPrep Software.
  6. Read essays #1-15 in Analysis of an Issue and #1-15 in Analysis of an Argument in the Arco Essay book.
  7. Repeat step #3 for the Verbal section.
  8. In the Official Guide, do problems #1-#42 in Reading Comprehension, #1-#49 in Critical Reasoning, and #1-#43 in Sentence Correction.
  9. Repeat step #2 with the 1st practice test from the Kaplan CD-Rom or the Manhattan Review online CATs.
  10. In the Official Guide, do problems #76-#146 in Problem Solving and #52-#93 in Data Sufficiency.
  11. In the Official Guide, do problems #43-#90 in Reading Comprehension, #50-#89 in Critical Reasoning, and #44-#102 in Sentence Correction.
  12. Repeat step #2 with the 2nd practice test from the Kaplan CD-Rom or the Manhattan Review online CATs.
  13. Spend at least five hours reviewing the information on this website. The areas you will want to focus on most are the Math Basics page, the Idiom List, the Special Reports, and the Miscellaneous Tips & Tricks pages.
  14. Repeat step #6 and read essays #16-30 in both sections.
  15. In the Official Guide, do problems #147-#195 in Problem Solving and #94-#128 in Data Sufficiency.
  16. In the Official Guide, do problems #91-#122 in Reading Comprehension, #90-#124 in Critical Reasoning, and #103-138 in Sentence Correction.
  17. Repeat step #2 with the 3rd practice test from the Kaplan CD-Rom or the Manhattan Review online CATs.
  18. Repeat step #6 and read essays #31-45 in both sections.
  19. Finish reading any additional chapters in the Kaplan, Manhattan Review and Princeton Review books.
  20. In the Official Guide, do problems #196-#249 in Problem Solving and #129-#155 in Data Sufficiency.
  21. In the Official Guide, do problems #123-#141 in Reading Comprehension.
  22. Repeat step #2 with the 1st practice test from the Princeton Review CD-Rom.
  23. Selectively go over the problems in Official Guide for GMAT Verbal Review (105 Reading Comprehension questions, 82 Critical Reasoning questions, and 113 Sentence Correction questions) and Official Guide for GMAT Quantitative Review (176 Problem Solving questions and 118 Data Sufficiency questions).
  24. Repeat step #6 and read essays #46-60 in both sections.
  25. Repeat step #2 with the 2nd practice test from the Princeton Review CD-Rom.
  26. Take up to 3 practice LSATs (Reading Comprehension and Logical Reasoning only). Spend at least one hour reviewing each exam. (Optional)
  27. Repeat step #6 and read essays #61-75 in both sections.
  28. Repeat step #2 with the 3rd practice test from the Princeton Review CD-Rom.
  29. Repeat step #6 and read essays #76-90 in both sections.
  30. Finish the remaining problems in Official Guide for GMAT Verbal Review and Official Guide for GMAT Quantitative Review.
  31. Review all the essay questions in the back of the main Official Guide.
  32. Ace your GMAT!

Take a look at the Resources you'll need for the Game Plan. 

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