Free GMAT Test Questions

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 Question GMAT-PS-1Quadratic EquationMedium
 Question GMAT-PS-2Linear EquationChallenging
 Question GMAT-PS-3FunctionsChallenging
 Question GMAT-PS-4AverageMedium
 Question GMAT-PS-5Linear EquationHard
 Question GMAT-PS-6InequalityChallenging
 Question GMAT-PS-7GeometryMedium
 Question GMAT-PS-8GeometryChallenging
 Question GMAT-PS-9GeometryChallenging
 Question GMAT-PS-10Speed/Time/DistanceMedium
 Question GMAT-DS-1FunctionsChallenging
 Question GMAT-DS-2Number PropertiesHard
 Question GMAT-DS-3Number PropertiesHard
 Question GMAT-DS-4StatisticsChallenging
 Question GMAT-DS-5StatisticsHard
 Question GMAT-DS-6Co-Ordinate GeometryHard
 Question GMAT-DS-7Number PropertiesChallenging
 Question GMAT-DS-8Quadratic EquationChallenging
 Question GMAT-DS-9AverageChallenging
 Question GMAT-DS-10Geometry (3D)Hard
 Question GMAT-CR-1Weaken the ArgumentEasy
 Question GMAT-CR-2Evaluate the ArgumentEasy
 Question GMAT-CR-3BoldfaceEasy
 Question GMAT-CR-4Method of ReasoningEasy
 Question GMAT-CR-5Strengthen the ArgumentChallenging
 Question GMAT-CR-6Flaw in the ArgumentChallenging
 Question GMAT-CR-7Resolve the ParadoxChallenging
 Question GMAT-CR-8Complete the ArgumentHard
 Question GMAT-CR-9Assumption of the ArgumentHard
 Question GMAT-CR-10InferenceHard
 Question GMAT-RC-1 10 Questions - Variable Level
 Question GMAT-SC-1Parallelism; Preposition; Redundancy 
 Question GMAT-SC-2Parallelism; Preposition; Subject-Verb Agreement 
 Question GMAT-SC-3Redundancy; Rhetorical Construction; Tenses 
 Question GMAT-SC-4Modifier; Rhetorical Construction 
 Question GMAT-SC-5Comparison; Modifier; Subject-Verb Agreement 
 Question GMAT-SC-6Parallelism; Rhetorical Construction 
 Question GMAT-SC-7Modifier; Parallelism; Tenses 
 Question GMAT-SC-8Logical Comparison; Preposition; Pronoun-Antecedent 
 Question GMAT-SC-9Modifier; Rhetorical Construction 
 Question GMAT-SC-10Parallelism; Redundancy; Rhetorical Construction 

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